EDUCATION / Education & Training
There are many opportunities to study for a career in Health and Social Care.
The possibilities are as big as your potential and ambition!
You do not need to study a Health & Social Care specific course to have a successful career in the sector. Courses in Administration, Finance, Business & Science can all lead to a successful career in Health & Social Care!

Employers in our region want people with the right values to work in the Health and Social Care sector, and they want them to enjoy a rewarding career making a difference to people’s lives. To work in any role in any part of the sector there are some basic things you need to have.
If you have the ambition and the ability to get on and go further, our employers want to support you. You may need to take and pass qualifications. These will help you to learn and develop and prove to employers that you are qualified and safely competent to do the job. A qualification shows what you have learnt your level of understanding and what you can do as a result of that learning. There are different ways to gain all sorts of different qualifications in Health and Social Care.
Helpful downloads
Minimum Requirements PDF
Key Values PDF
Routeways into adult and social care
Routes in the NHS
There are many opportunities to study for a career in health and social care, explore what’s available.
Transferable skills
This transferable skills resource aims to support job seekers and those considering a career in health and social care. Everyone has transferable Skills, see where yours can take you in a career in health and social care!
See where yours can take you!