EDUCATION / Adult Learning
There are various adult learning options available.
HNY Learning HUB
The HNY Integrated Care System has joined forces with DN Colleges Group to offer fully funded learning opportunities to staff, volunteers and those looking to work in health and care across Humber and North Yorkshire. Courses range from Business and Management to social care to mental health.
Search for courses

You can search for adult learning courses here, via the national careers service.
There are also private providers who can offer specific courses. Some providers are listed on the Skills Platform.

Transferrable skills
Transferable skills are a core set of skills and abilities, which can be applied to a wide range of different jobs. They’re usually picked up over time, and can be gained from previous roles, charity or voluntary work, your hobbies, or even just at home.
Find out more in our useful guide.
Don’t forget apprenticeships are open to people of all ages!
Work experience
Work experience provides young people with the chance to experience the world of work first hand; its many benefits can include:
- Experiencing working life and all that means
- Developing and practicing employability skills
- Understanding how curriculum subjects link to work
- Developing networks with potential future employers
- Using the experience to update a CV or personal statement.
Volunteering helps you to gain experience of an employment area whilst you are still in learning or unemployed. Many companies will look at voluntary work as real time work experience and these experiences can be used as evidence at an interview.
Listed below are a number of health and social care organisations you can contact to find out more about volunteering and work experience opportunities. Please also find out more about volunteering and work experience here.

Work experience
Work experience provides people with the chance to experience the world of work first hand.

Virtual work experience
Interactive and informative virtual work experiences programmes offered by Humber and North Yorkshire employers.

Supported internships
Supported internships helps young people aged 16-24 with a statement of Special Educational Needs (SEN), or an Education, Health and Care plan (EHCP), gain the skills they need for work, through learning in the workplace.

Volunteering helps you to gain experience of an employment area whilst you are still in learning or unemployed.