Celebrating International Nurses’ Day 2024

Cheryll Hornigold reflects on her journey into the world of nursing. From student nurse to receiving a Queen’s Nursing award. “I never envisioned myself as a nurse during my teenage years. My initial ambition was simply to work with children, leading me to pursue nursery nurse training after leaving school. Blood made me queasy, and … Read more

Hospitals mark International Day of the Midwife

NHS Humber Health Partnership is marking International Day of the Midwife this Sunday by showcasing the work of Midwives in Hull, Scunthorpe, Grimsby and Goole. Midwives from Hull University Teaching Hospitals (HUTH) NHS Trust and Northern Lincolnshire and Goole (NLaG) NHS Foundation Trust will be sharing their stories on the organisations’ social media pages to … Read more

Social Prescribing Day 2024: Embracing the Power of Social Prescribing

Social Prescribing Day 2024: Embracing the Power of Social Prescribing Blog by Gary Sainty, Head of VCSE, Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership Today we celebrate Social Prescribing Day, an occasion dedicated to shedding light on the transformative impact of social prescribing. It’s a day when we recognise the vital role that social prescribing … Read more

Empathy in Action: Honouring Mental Health Nurses’ Day

We spoke to Clinical Lead for the Learning Disabilities and Autism Programme, Julie Butterworth. As Clinical Lead and a proud mental health nurse, I am thrilled to welcome you to this special celebration in honour of Mental Health Nurses’ Day. Today, we embark on a journey to acknowledge the remarkable contributions of my colleagues and fellow … Read more

Discover fulfilling careers in health and care – launch of HNY Careers Hub and Med Shed

Two new careers websites have launched to encourage people to pursue a career in health and care across the Humber and North Yorkshire (HNY). HNY Careers Hub (www.hnycareershub.co.uk) is a one stop shop for all things health and care careers, targeting all ages and career stages. Supporting people to understand their skills, education and training … Read more