Springpod – Pharmacy
Virtual work experience programme in Pharmacy – North East, North Cumbria & Yorkshire
Virtual work experience programme in Pharmacy – North East, North Cumbria & Yorkshire
is a non-profit social enterprise made up of a UK wide network of Doctors, Medical Students, Secondary Students, parents and teachers supporting the Doctors of tomorrow by connecting mentors with students. Find out more:
are a charity and provide free access to many of their services for educators and young people. Find out more:
works with students, schools and employers across the UK to bring employment opportunities to school and college leavers. Pathway cTM have worked with HEE and NHS Trusts to develop virtual work experience offers. More information about Pathway cTM can also be found here:
is a professional network connecting young people and employers who have developed programmes for NHS employers. More information can be found here:
Virtual work experience programme in Allied Health Professions – North East & Yorkshire