EDUCATION / Higher Education

You usually need to have completed a level three course to begin higher education.

Higher education qualifications include:

  • Diplomas
  • Foundation degrees
  • Bachelor degrees
  • Post-graduate degrees

NHS Learning Support Fund (LSF)

NHS Learning Support Fund (LSF) is funding to support eligible healthcare students. To apply, you need to be on one of the following pre-registration undergraduate or postgraduate courses:

  • dental therapy or dental hygiene (level 5 and 6 courses)
  • dietetics
  • midwifery
  • nursing (adult, child, mental health, learning disability, joint nursing, or social work)
  • occupational therapy
  • operating department practitioner 
  • orthoptics
  • orthotics and prosthetics
  • paramedics (except DipHE and FD courses)
  • physiotherapy
  • podiatry or chiropody
  • radiography (diagnostic and therapeutic)
  • speech and language therapy
  • NHS LSF is made up of 4 main elements. What you get depends on your circumstances.

You can apply for a Training Grant of £5,000 per academic year, or a pro rata amount for part-time.

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Higher education providers in Humber and North Yorkshire

The University of York has opened its learning platform, MOOC, for those thinking about a nursing degree.

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